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Ola Pono (Health & Wellnesss)

Lāʻau Lapaʻau:
Hawaiian Medicine

This workshop is on traditional Hawaiian plant medicine. Participants will learn about several lāʻau (medicinal plants), their uses, and how to grow and harvest them sustainably. The workshop will also cover the processing of plants and their practical applications in daily life.

As part of the hands-on experience, attendees will create their own tinctures and infused lāʻau lapaʻau oils. The session will also include the sharing of prayers and stories that deepen the cultural and spiritual connection to lāʻau lapaʻau.

Please note: Kits for making tinctures and infused oils will be available for purchase.


This workshop offers a meaningful opportunity to explore the healing traditions of Hawaiʻi and connect with the wisdom of lāʻau.


Recommended Age: 13 and older

Duration: 2 hours

Additional Supply Fee:​ $25

Class size: 50+ participants

One time slot available:

  • Workshop Session 1 | Friday, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Your Instructor

Tuti Kanahele
Niʻihau & Oʻahu

Tuti Kanahele.png

Born on Kauakinikini, Niʻihau, and raised in Hanapēpē, Kauaʻi, ʻAnakē Tuti is the hānai granddaughter of her beloved tūtū lady. She was raised speaking Hawaiian as her first language, making her a native speaker. After graduating from high school, she moved to Honolulu, Oʻahu, to attend the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.

With a passion for preserving and perpetuating the Hawaiian language, ʻAnakē Tuti has interviewed and videotaped numerous kūpuna who were native speakers. She has also authored several Hawaiian language books and translated English texts into Hawaiian for Hawaiian immersion schools.

Her teaching experience includes Hawaiian language instruction within the Hawaiʻi Department of Education, private schools, and internationally. Currently, she serves as a cultural and language specialist at Windward Community College, continuing her dedication to the preservation and teaching of Hawaiian language and culture.

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